General School Information & Resources
Below is a compilation of resources, forms and downloads families will find helpful throughout the year.
Reporting Absences
Parents are expected to call or email the school daily by 8:00 a.m. to report and explain the reason for the absence. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day by calling (763) 252-6130 or email To read more about our attendance policy find it here
546 | Comprehensive Attendance Policy
An extended absence is considered to be three or more consecutive days. The Extended Absence Request Form must be completed at least four to six weeks prior to extended absence of more than five consecutive days.
Bullying Report Form
A safe civil environment is necessary for students to learn and attain high academic standards and to promote healthy human relationships. Bullying, like other violent or disruptive behavior, is conduct that interferes with students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to educate students in a safe environment. The school district cannot monitor the activities of students at all times and eliminate all incidents of bullying between students, particularly when students are not under the direct supervision of school personnel. The purpose of this form is to document alleged acts of bullying for school investigation purposes.
When completed, this form should be turned in to a trusted adult and it will be followed up on.
514F | Report of Bullying Behavior Form
Fee Account Refund Request
If you need a fee refunded, please follow the link below.
Food Service Forms
Please refer to the Food Service page for all information related to school meals.
2024-25 Application for Educational Benefits
Print and complete this form to apply for free or reduced-price meals.
Special Diet Statement (Participant with a Disability)
Print and complete to apply for special diet meals through the school lunch program. This version of the Special Diet Statement is ONLY for a participant with a disability that affects the diet.
Special Diet Statement (Participant without a Disability)
Print and complete to apply for special diet meals through the school lunch program. This version of the Special Diet Statement is ONLY for a participant without a disability who is medically certified as having a special dietary need.
Medical Statement for Children with Lactose Intolerance Needs
Print and complete to request lactose free milk for students who are lactose intolerant. This form must be completed by a parent/guardian and returned to the main office.
Health Forms
The following forms are required for ALL students.
For more information about immunizations, please refer to the Minnesota Department of Health’s Immunization Form Guidelines.
The following forms are to be completed on an as needed basis as determined by either the school and/or a parent or guardian.
- Anaphylaxis Action Plan
- Asthma Action Plan
- Face Covering Exemption Form
- Medical Statement for Children with Lactose Intolerance Needs
- OTC Medication Form
- Prescription Medication Authorization Form
- Student Immunization Form
For information about infectious diseases, please refer to the Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings section on Hennepin County’s website.
Does your child have health insurance? If not, help may be available. Click here for more information about MNSure.
Media Opt Out
We no longer require families to do the Back to School Registration each year. However, if you do NOT give your permission for your child’s image to be used in the different media, both internally and externally, you will need to complete the Media Release form to opt out. This includes, but is not limited to, articles and photographs in a school newsletter, video of a student program shown in school or published to families via an online program, a news story by local media, or something on our web site. Click here for the Media Release Form.
We no longer require families to do the Back to School Registration each year. However, if you do NOT give your permission for your child’s image to be used in the different media, both internally and externally, you will need to complete the Media Release form to opt out. This includes, but is not limited to, articles and photographs in a school newsletter, video of a student program shown in school or published to families via an online program, a news story by local media, or something on our web site. Click here for the Media Release Form.
Curriculum Opt Out
Policy 604 allows for the opt out of curriculum or learning materials. Families can access this form below.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences between teachers and parents or guardians happen two times a year at DaVinci Academy. There are fall conferences, which are usually held the Monday and Tuesday of MEA weekend, and spring conferences.
If you are in need of a language translator for those conferences, please contact your child’s teacher.
DaVinci’s School Calendar includes important academic dates such as holiday and release days, as well as community meetings and events. The calendar is maintained throughout the year. Printable versions of the calendar are also available below.
Student Vaccination Confirmation
Student Vaccination Confirmation Form
Title IX Complaint Form
Change of Pick-up or Bus
DaVinci Academy uses a student dismissal app called Silent Dismissal. This program enables parents to make changes to their child’s dismissal plans through an online portal. Additionally, Parents’ cars will be equipped with a rear view mirror tag which will help facilitate end of the day communications with teachers and staff.
Parents can access this online portal via the web at, or download the Android or iPhone app. The app is listed for $1.99, but DaVinci Academy families can receive the app for free this year. Please email the office to get the app activated.
From either the Silent Dismissal website or the app, you may make changes to your child’s dismissal method for the current day until 1:30 p.m. After that time, changes will not be accepted into the system. For more information about the roll-out and process, please see the news post on Silent Dismissal.
Transportation Services
DaVinci Academy provides bus service to meet the needs of students and families in the communities surrounding our school. Routes and stops are coordinated in central locations throughout the school’s bus service area, and are designed to provide the highest level of convenience possible for those families using this service.
Busing Guidelines
At the present time, our bus service area includes the following communities:
- Andover
- Anoka
- Blaine
- Coon Rapids
- East Bethel
- Ham Lake
- Lino Lakes
We require a parent or designated adult to be at the stop with their child or children at both pick-up and drop-off times. For security purposes, we only provide detailed route stops and stop-time information to families with students enrolled at DaVinci Academy.
If you want more information on the bus service DaVinci Academy offers, including specifics on whether the bussing option might work for you and your child, please send us a message or call the office at (763) 754-6577.
Uniforms & School Apparel
The purpose of the Uniform Policy is to minimize distraction and focus students’ attention on their work at school rather than their attire, and to project a unified school image, which is proper and neat in appearance, reflecting the important work of the school.
The dress code is also a means to support and promote the mission and vision of the school.
For more information please review the Uniform Policy and Guidelines (Policy 504).
Uniform attire can be purchased at any major retail store.
Optional Custom Uniform Attire – If you would like to purchase uniform shirts that include the school logo you may shop at Lands’ End. Just search for DaVinci Academy in the school section. If you need custom or special sizes, we now have a partnership with Schoolbelles. This is an online distributor of uniform clothing for families who like to shop online and have a difficult time of finding other sizes. The school code is s2979.
Withdrawal Form
Should you wish to permanently withdraw your child from DaVinci Academy, please complete and submit this form online.
Homeless Youth
What is the McKinney-Vento Act?
The McKinney-Vento Act is designed to address the challenges that homeless children and youth face in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under the McKinney-Vento Act, state educational agencies (SEA) ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as all children and youth.
What is considered “homeless”?
Children or youth, including preschoolers, who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence
Fixed: Stationary, permanent, not subject to change
Regular: Used on a predictable, routine, consistent basis; Consider the relative permanence of the living arrangement
Adequate: Lawful and reasonably sufficient for meeting physical and psychological needs typically met in a home environment
Can the student go to the SAME PLACE (fixed) EVERY NIGHT (regular) to sleep in a SAFE and SUFFICIENT SPACE (adequate)?
Examples of Homelessness
- Sharing the housing of other persons (“doubled-up”) due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason
[76.7% of students identified nationally in 2018-19 were “doubled-up.”] - Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations
[7.1% of students identified in 2018-19 lived in motels.] - Living in emergency or transitional shelters
[12.2% of students identified in 2018-19 lived in shelters.]
Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, and other places not meant for habitation (substandard utilities, infestations, mold, dangers, etc.)
Lead in Drinking Water Information & Results
Minn. Stat. 121A.08, Subd. 4 requires that all charter schools must give annual notice of testing, results, and remediation (if necessary) of lead in the school’s water supply. This information is updated annually and can be found on this portion of our website.