Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to frequently asked questions as well as other general information about our school. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, please call us at (763) 754-6577 or utilize our online contact form to send us a message and we’ll answer your questions!

General School Information

1. What is a charter school?

Minnesota charter schools are independent public schools started, governed and operated jointly by licensed teachers, parents, community members and an elected board of directors.  They are part of the state public school system, but operate independently, as a separate school district. All charter schools in Minneosta are tuition‐free and are open to and welcome all students, no matter ability or need.

Minnesota was the birthplace of the charter movement. In 1991, the Minnesota Legislature passed the first charter school law in the nation.  It was the beginning of a unique public school option that has grown steadily over the past two decades. As of August 2015, there are 165 charter schools in operation in the state. While over 60% of charters are located in the greater Twin Cities metropolitan area, there are charters in communities across the state.

Charter schools are non-profit organizations funded by state general education revenues.  However, unlike traditional school districts, charter schools cannot initiate tax levies to generate additional funding.  Charter schools are open to all students, and do not charge tuition.

Every charter school in Minnesota must be approved by the Minnesota Department of Education and have a sponsoring Authorizer, who is responsible for oversight of all school operations.  Both of these entities monitor the charter school’s performance in meeting both academic and non-academic charter contract goals the school has established and they have approved.  DaVinci Academy’s Authorizer is Friends of Education.

Charter schools offer a unique educational choice in terms of curriculum, instructional methodology and an overall learning experience focused on results.  An effective charter school is designed to increase student achievement above the levels experienced in a traditional public school.

Charter School Basics

  • Charter schools are tuition free public schools.
  • Charter schools may not require entrance exams or requirements.
  • Charter schools may not limit the admission of pupils on the basis of intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, or athletic ability.
  • Charter schools must accept all students up to capacity. If there are more students than slots, the school must conduct a lottery.
  • Charter schools are normally smaller in size than traditional public schools and usually have smaller class sizes.
  • Charter schools receive less per pupil funding than traditional public schools; they may not levy property taxes, and receive no funding from local property taxes.
  • Charter schools are formed and operate as Minnesota non‐profit corporations.
  • Charter schools boards enter into a legally binding charter contract with an authorizer.
  • Charter school teachers must hold a valid Minnesota teaching license.

Learn more about Minnesota Charter Schools:
Minnesota Department of Education
MN Association of Charter Schools
Primer on Minnesota Charter Schools
Charter School Accountability

2. What makes DaVinci Academy different from other schools?

Our focus on the Core Knowledge Sequence and differentiated instruction, together with a small community environment, where parents have the opportunity to become true partners in their child’s education, is only part of what sets DaVinci Academy apart from other schools. A curriculum that focuses on art and science and positive reinforcement strategies add to the unique attributes of our school. DaVinci Academy also provides students with opportunities to connect with the community by hosting annual science and art fairs and through group service projects.

3. How does DaVinci Academy compare to other schools?

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) tracks and lists data and results for all schools in Minnesota. View DaVinci Academy’s School Report Card to see information about our school demographics, test results, academic progress and performance and more.

In 2016, DaVinci Academy was named a Reward School for the 6th year in a row. DaVinci Academy is one of only 3 Minnesota charter schools that have received the Reward School designation for all six years since the Multiple Measurement rating (MMR) system was introduced in 2011-12.

Also in 2016, DaVinci Academy was one of the eight schools in Minnesota to be nominated by the Commissioner of Education to apply to be a National Blue Ribbon School. In 2015, out of the 335 Blue Ribbon Schools nationwide, only 15 were charter schools.

4. What is an “Intersession”?

DaVinci Academy’s Intersession Program offers students additional opportunities to grow and learn.  During intersessions, regular classes are suspended and students are given the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of a particular subject area of their choosing. Intersession is voluntary and curriculum costs vary depending on the topics being offered.

5. What is differentiation?

Differentiated instruction is a teaching discipline based on the premise that instructional approaches should vary and be adapted for individual students in the classroom. Differentiated instruction provides students with multiple options for taking in information, making sense of the ideas being presented, and showing mastery. At DaVinci Academy, differentiated instruction is used in every subject. Classroom teaching is a blend of whole-class, group and individual instruction.

6. What is Core Knowledge Sequence?

The Core Knowledge Sequence movement is an educational reform based on the premise that a grade-by-grade core of common learning is necessary to ensure a sound and fair education.  Simply put, knowledge builds on knowledge.  The more you know, the more you are able to learn. The movement was started by Dr. E. D. Hirsch, Jr., author of Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know and The Schools We Need, and is based on a large body of research in cognitive psychology, as well as a careful examination of several of the world’s fairest and most effective school systems. Due to the completeness and rigor of the curriculum, students are able to achieve the most important goals for education — greater reading comprehension, the ability to think critically and solve problems, and higher test scores.

7. Does DaVinci Academy provide Special Education Services?

In serving the needs of all students, we provide special education services as required by state and federal laws. Parents may request an assessment for their child to determine eligibility. That assessment will be administered by DaVinci Academy Special Education professionals. Our teachers may also recommend assessment. A Child Study Team reviews the needs of each identified student before testing begins. See Policy 608 for more information on special educational services.

8. What extra-curricular activities does DaVinci Academy offer?

Activities vary from season to season; some activities are through the school and others are contracted out through private organizations that the school has screened. We are steadily expanding extra-curricular opportunities for our students, both in athletics and in arts and science.