DaVinci Connection – August 31, 2023

Earlier this year DaVinci began an extensive school-wide rebranding project in which we tasked ourselves to rethink the” who”, “what”, and “why” of our school, and to build a brand roadmap that would serve as the foundation for how we position ourselves in the education space. Part of this project included the creation of a new DaVinci Academy logo & graphic identity. 

 Today, we are thrilled to unveil the new DaVinci Academy logo! The new logo is modern, clean, and smart, and is meant to better reflect the essence of who DaVinci is today, and where we are headed as one of Minnesota’s top charter schools.

We are confident this new logo design will become an easily recognizable symbol among our families as well as in our communities. 

In the coming days and weeks, you will begin to see the new logo and graphic identity rolled out.  Additionally, we will be launching a DaVinci Academy Spiritwear store in September which will include a selection of awesome DaVinci apparel for families.

Stay tuned for more information. 

Calling All Businesses

photo of Holly FischerI attended a North Metro Chamber of Commerce meeting a couple of weeks ago where I had the opportunity to plug DaVinci Academy to fellow members of the local business community.  What a treat it was to not only share the story of us, but to also connect with others about their businesses and learn about how we could help each other.  One woman approached me and said, “My husband and I have a brand new 3D printer still in the box.  Would your school be interested in a donation?”  Well, of course, we would! Another person who works in promotions approached me and I put him in connection with Dan Rhinhart as he has been working on our new rebranding project and we might have some needs in this area.  

This got me thinking about how we might benefit as a community from knowing the businesses that are represented by DaVinci Parents.  Do you own a restaurant we might want to promote as the PTO plans DaVinci Dinner Nights?  Is your lawn care business looking for new clients and would benefit from some local advertising? Do you work for a company whose philosophy supports education?  I would love to create a database of this information and find ways to work together for the betterment of the entire community.  If you are interested in sharing your business information with me, would you please take a moment to complete this quick form?  I’m looking forward to hearing from you and finding new ways that we can partner together.



Character Education

focus on character poster

Hello DaVinci Community!

We are excited to “focus on character” during our 2023-2024 school year! 

Each month, our students will focus on a character trait that is important and valuable for our students to learn. Teachers will highlight these traits in lessons, readings, and informal interactions they observe during the school day. Near the end of the month, each teacher will select a student who exemplifies and/or grew substantially with their knowledge and practice of the specified trait. Selected students are then celebrated at the grade-level assembly. 

Here is a list of the character traits for our 23/24 school year:  

  • September: SPARK 
    • Success, Positive Attitude, Responsibility, and Kindness
  • October: Citizenship
  • November: Growth Mindset
  • December: Empathy
  • January: Honesty
  • February: Compassion
  • March: Perseverance 
  • April: Respect
  • May: Courage
  • June: SPARK 
    • Success, Positive Attitude, Responsibility, and Kindness

Each month, our mental health team will write about the highlighted trait, so you can learn more about it and reinforce it with your student(s). The more we work together to talk about the character traits and model what they look and sound like, the stronger they may be internalized and practiced by our students. Our goal is for all scholars to learn these traits, and exhibit them while in our school and community. Thank you for your help with this endeavor! 

If you have any questions or comments, please connect with a member of our team. 


DaVinci Academy Mental Health Team

Mental Health Team Update

“It’s one of my favorite seasons of the year, Back to School!”

Dana Perkins


Going back to school can be very exciting for students and their families. It can also be a very stressful time. Here are a few reminders to make the transition back into school a little easier.

Many students feel nervous or anxious about returning to school. Acknowledge how your child is feeling. Encourage them to talk about how they are feeling and work together to find strategies to help them. Also, try to talk about things they are looking forward to this school year.

Determine a time and place for your child to do their homework each day. If possible, have them finish their homework before doing preferred activities like screen time or playing with friends.

Establish a bedtime routine with the same 4-6 steps for every night. It may include taking a shower or bath, putting pajamas on, brushing your teeth, and reading time. Try to start this routine at the same time every night. Avoid screen time 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Establish a morning routine to help your child get out the door on time. Make sure you have a little extra time to help your child during the first few weeks of school. Do as much as you can the night before, like choosing clothes to wear and packing a lunch.

If you would like additional strategies or support, please reach out to the DaVinci Mental Health Team.

DaVinci Academy Mental Health Team

A portrait of DaVinci Academy's mental health team

From left to right; Diana Muske, Dom Jefferson, and Phoenix Hathaway

PTO News

Thank You to everyone who came to our first meeting of the school year this week!  What a GREAT turnout we had!  The energy and enthusiasm was felt by all, and we are so excited for all things to come this year!  If you weren’t able to make the meeting, but want to know what was discussed, please see the meeting minutes here or see this flier for a brief recap!

 Join us for our September meeting on Monday, September 18th at 4:30 in Room 304!  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at davincimnpto@gmail.com

Equity Community Committee

We are looking for parents/guardians, students, and stakeholders who are interested in joining our equity team! This is an opportunity for all members of our community to be involved in promoting equity in our school. Equity is defined as the quality of being fair and impartial; it meets people where they’re at and provides them with the appropriate resources to help them flourish. Equity is important because it allows all members of our community to thrive. This team meets monthly (after or before school TBD) and assists in volunteering for our equity events! 

Last year our equity committee helped launch community events, problem solve, and help create the foundation of the bus ambassador program. Some of our goals this year include a family heritage night, a family game night, and collaborating with PTO to do a staff talent show. We also would like to collaborate with families to facilitate presentations for heritage months!

Please complete this survey if you are interested: https://forms.gle/HALJkKgFt3ASEmc4A 

Participate in Heritage Months!

calendarHello Families!

Are you interested in sharing your heritage with our DaVinci community?  The Equity Committee is looking for family and community members who are interested in sharing their heritage and culture with our students during our heritage months.  Below are the nationally recognized heritage months, but if you do not see yours below and would like to present please feel free to reach out!

  • September– National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15); German American Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15), 
  • October– Italian American Heritage Month, Filipino American Month, Polish American Month
  • November– Native American & Alaska Native Heritage Month, National Native American Heritage Month
  • February– African American/Black History Month
  • March– Irish American Heritage Month, Greek American Heritage Month
  • April– National Arab American Heritage Month, Tartan (Scottish American) Heritage Month
  • May– Asian/Pacific Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, South Asian Heritage Month, Haitian Heritage Month, Indian Heritage Month
  • June– Caribbean American Heritage Month
  • July– French American Heritage Month

If you or someone you know are interested, please reach out to Sara Sweeney (ssweeney@davincicharterschool.org) or Brenda Maulik (bmaulik@davincicharterschool.org)

 Thanks and we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Medical Assistance

During the COVID-19 emergency, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) put special rules in place to help you keep your health care coverage. Due to a new federal law, we must now resume renewals. Regular Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare and Minnesota Family Planning Program rules will now apply. Here is what you need to do.

Report changes to your contact information
Has your address, phone number or email address changed recently? If so, please report these to your county or tribal agency to make sure we can reach you.

Watch for your renewal
We must review your eligibility to see if you still qualify for coverage.
We will mail a renewal form to you. If you do not get this within the next 6-8 weeks, contact your county or tribal agency. Without your completed renewal form, your coverage cannot continue.

Save paper proofs
We will need proof of income for you and your family members. Please save current paystubs, income tax returns and other documents that show your income to send in with your renewal form.

For more information, go online to https://mn.gov/dhs/renewmycoverage
If you have questions about this notice or your case, call your county or tribal agency. Please see the
enclosed listing of agency phone numbers.
If you have general questions about Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, call DHS Health Care Consumer
Support at 651-297-3862 or 800-657-3672.
If you have general questions about Minnesota Family Planning Program, call 651-431-3480 or
If you have hearing or speech disabilities, contact us using your preferred telecommunication relay service.

New Visitor Check-In System

There is a new Check-In system at the front desk.  Please be patient as we navigate our new security system.  You will now need to bring your ID to check out your students from the building.  If you leave your ID in the car, we will ask you to go out and get it.  All of this is to enhance our security measures in the building and keep your students safe.  We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!

Library News

an image of books stackedThe DaVinci School Library is open at 7:30 a.m. to support your students’ reading needs.  During the school day, we offer scheduled weekly K-5 grade library visits, as well as allowing 6-8th grade students to come to the library on a pass from their classroom teacher.  We welcome all students and staff to come on in and explore a world of books!   

Students may check out books from the school library for 2 weeks.  Please support your students in returning books (so they can get even more!).  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our librarian, Mrs. Howell, at khowell@davincicharterschool.org. She always loves to talk about books!

“Libraries are where it all begins.”  ~Rita Dove

Volunteer Corner

This school year is off to a great start with parent volunteers coming in for various needs throughout the building!  Thank you!  If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form, and send it back to school with your student to give to the main office.  Forms can also be emailed to lgable@davincicharterschool.org, but MUST be signed in ink, not digitally! 

For current volunteer opportunities, please see this flier!  *Ms Howell, the school librarian, is looking to train in a few more volunteers to help with various needs in the library, so please let Lindsey Gable know if you are interested in this, or any other opportunities.  

Thank you!

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