How does busing work at DaVinci Academy?

The bus routes and stops are determined by the bus company, Kottke’s Bus Company, Inc., in coordination with the school, and are created by using the following guiding principles:

  1. Community-based bus stops:  Publicly accessible places where families can safely wait with their kids in the morning and wait for them in the afternoon, and where the bus can easily access and maneuver. We also require permission from the establishment for use of their parking lot twice each day.
  2. Maximum 50 minute average ride (assuming good weather and normal traffic).  This implies shorter distances and fewer stops.
  3. Generally stop within the Anoka Hennepin school district boundaries and no stops further than 1.5 miles outside the Anoka Hennepin school district boundaries.

A preliminary set of stops is communicated to families by June 1 of the preceding year and families are required to choose the stop that they will be using for the following school year using the Busing Contract Form for that year.   Families have until July 1 to sign up for a bus stop. Routes are then adjusted based on numbers and a final bus stop listing is presented to parents before the next school year begins.

Parents who have concerns about the bus stop should contact the school directly and may not move or create stops, nor pressure drivers or the bus company to move stops.  Once the school year begins routes and stops will only be adjusted at the discretion of the administration for the following reasons:

  • Safety and traffic concerns regarding the location of a stop
  • Stops that are not being utilized by families
  • Elimination of a stop by the parties who own the property on which the stop is located.
  • Other qualifying circumstances as determined by the school and Kottke’s Bus Company Inc.

DaVinci Families can access the Interactive Bus Stop Map by logging in to Silent Dismissal.

Please give DaVinci Academy notice that you are doing so, and change your preferences on the Silent Dismissal system.

Additionally, if you change your bus stop preference please let DaVinci Academy and the bus driver know as well.  That information should be up to date on Silent Dismissal at all times.  Here is the form to download and submit to the office.

Please also factor an additional 10-20 minutes into bus times during the first 3 weeks of school. It is normal and expected for buses to be running late for the first few weeks as drivers learn their routes and students, families, and the school settles into a routine. Families are advised to arrive at their stops at the normally scheduled time and asked to wait the additional 15-20 minutes if needed. Arriving late may cause you to miss the bus if it is on schedule.

If a bus is running extremely late, DaVinci Academy will alert parents via email, text, or phone call through our automated system as soon as possible. Parents should make sure their contact information and preferences are current using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal in order to receive these important messages. That link can be found on our website at

DaVinci Academy’s main office opens at 7:15 a.m. and some bus routes begin earlier. If parents are concerned that their bus is running late, or that they missed their bus before the main office is open, they may call Kottke’s dispatch office directly at 763-755-3100 Option 1.

Parents then have the option of either catching the bus at a later stop along the route, or picking up their child at the school. Any student remaining on the bus at the end of the route will be brought back to the school to wait for pick-up. All students must be picked up immediately upon school drop off or they will be placed into the after school program and parents will be charged the DaVinci Den daily rate. Parents may contact the Kottke’s dispatch office directly if they missed their child’s stop (763-755-3100 opt. 1). Calling the school’s main office is also appropriate (763-754-6577); however, the office closes daily at 4:30 p.m.

**Parents who routinely miss their child’s afternoon drop-off may lose busing privileges for the remainder of the school year.

If students miss their morning bus, their parents are responsible for transporting them to school. The bus will not loop back to pick up students who missed the bus. Students arriving late to school because they missed the bus will be recorded as having an unexcused tardy.

Consequences are progressive and may include suspension of bus privileges.

Rules at the Bus Stop
● Get to your bus stop five to ten minutes before your scheduled pick up time. The school bus driver will not wait for late students.
● Respect the property of others while waiting at your bus stop.
● Keep your hands, arms, legs and belongings to yourself.
● Use appropriate language.
● Stay away from the street, road or highway when waiting for the bus.
● Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.
● After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.
● If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Wait for the driver to signal to you before crossing the street.
● No fighting, harassment, bullying, intimidation or horseplay.
● No use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.

Rules on the Bus
● Immediately follow the directions of the driver.
● Sit in your seat facing forward.
● Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
● Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
● Keep your hands, arms, legs and belongings to yourself.
● No fighting, harassment, bullying, intimidation or horseplay.
● Do not throw any objects.
● No eating, drinking, or use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
● Students are not allowed to take pictures or videos while riding the bus or waiting at the bus stop.
● Do not bring weapons or dangerous objects on the school bus.
● Do not damage the school bus.

Consequences for school bus/bus stop misconduct will apply to all regular routes and field trips. Depending on the nature of the offense, consequences such as suspension or expulsion from
the bus or from school may result from school bus/bus stop misconduct.

Vandalism/Bus Damage
Students damaging school buses will be responsible for the damages. Failure to pay such damages (or make arrangements to pay) within two weeks may result in the loss of bus
privileges until damages are paid.

*Refer to policy 709 Student Transportation Safety Policy for more information.

Silent Dismissal

Busing information will be loaded in to Silent Dismissal over the summer and families will be given information regarding their log in at Open House night in August.  Returning families may use the same numbers and account that they used the previous year.

The website for Silent Dismissal is and can be accessed as soon as parents have received their family number.  Returning families can use the same number and account they have used previously but will need to update their information for the new school year. This is also the site that is used if families need to make explicit changes in their transportation plans for the day.

Changes to a child’s dismissal plans should be made well before 1:30 p.m. each day and it is critical that parents keep their Silent Dismissal settings current.  Students will be dismissed using the instructions given by Silent Dismissal, so if the setting is inaccurate the student will not get to where they are supposed to be going.

Neither the front office nor the teachers will be making adjustments to dismissal plans over the phone or email, as it is the parent’s responsibility to keep Silent Dismissal settings current.   You can always call the office for help in how to manage that program at 763-754-6577.

The end of the day at DaVinci Academy is a very busy time and communications from the main office to classrooms are not easily made.   It is for this reason that the change deadline of 2:45 p.m. must be kept.  If the main office does not receive the change in transportation plans through the Silent Dismissal program by the deadline, the school will follow the student’s normal dismissal routine listed.

Of course, in the event of an emergency we will do everything we can to ensure the plan changes get to the students in time for dismissal.

The end of the day at DaVinci Academy is a very busy time and communications from the main office to classrooms are not easily made.   It is for this reason that the change deadline of 2:45 p.m. must be kept.  If the main office does not receive the change in transportation plans through the Silent Dismissal program by the deadline, the school will follow the student’s normal dismissal routine listed.

Of course, in the event of an emergency we will do everything we can to ensure the plan changes get to the students in time for dismissal.

Please note that it may take a week for space on a bus to be secured so please be patient.  We will let you know when your child may begin riding and send you a bus tag.

Mid Year 20-21 Busing Contract

Link to the Interactive Bus Stop Map which sill list bus stop times may be found in Silent Dismissal.


If you are interested in carpooling with another family we can get you connected.   Just fill out this form and you will be able to share your information with other families who would like to carpool as well.

Drop Off and Pick Up in the Parking Lot

AM Drop Off Q & A

Parents should enter the lot at Jefferson and follow the parking lot around north, then west, then south in order to be aligned with the yellow curb and the loading and unloading zone.  The yellow curbing outside the east door is the loading and unloading zone and children should not be dropped anywhere besides this area for maximum safety and efficiency.  Children should be ready to exit the vehicle when the car stops and parents should remain in their cars when using the “Drop and Go” lane.  If you child needs extra time, or your help please use the “stop and kiss” parking spaces and children can use the sidewalk and cross at the crosswalk.

The only cars who may enter here are families who need a handicapped parking space.   Otherwise, that Bunker driveway is used as an exit only lane for buses and cars.

 The same rules apply for the front lot as for the east lot:

  • Pull all the way to the end (Note the yellow highlighting on the map)
  • Drop your child quickly without exiting the vehicle
  • Go around the circle to exit onto Bunker Lake Boulevard
  • We will wave the next set of cars in when that row clears
We will only use this option when all of the buses have been through the lot and when a staff member is present to direct traffic.

There are 2 reasons why taking a left out of the parking lot during busy times is discouraged.

  1. The ability to see north bound cars passing waiting parents in the turn lane is impossible.  So, a left hand turn is just not safe.
  2. Cars who are waiting to safely turn left hold up traffic in the parking lot as cars line up in the left turn lane.  Cars need to exit efficiently in order for the next set of cars to line up on the sidewalk to drop students.  Left turning vehicles cause congestion and frustration for all.

Please don’t do it.

Instead, join the line to enter the front bus turn around drop off lane and you will be able to exit onto Bunker.

If you are parking please use the middle row of parking spots.

If you are not parking, please use the outside lane which will move faster because cars will not need to be waiting for parked cars to back out of spots.

There will be an administrator at each door who can help with unloading if a child needs it.  We encourage parents to help their children become independent for this important transition into the school.

Mornings can be a stressful time of day for parents and students, so the more smoothly the drop off process goes, the happier all of our days begin.   Please be conscientious of the others in car line with you and SHOW SPARK.

Teachers are ready to start class at 8:00 a.m. so students need to be dropped off with enough time for them to get to their rooms and get settled. Regardless of whether a staff member lets your child in at the east door or not, if a child enters the school at 8:00 a.m. or later they will be asked to bring a tardy slip to their classroom teacher.
If your child(ren) plans to eat breakfast at school, please have them to school by 7:45 a.m. That will give them 10 minutes to eat and 5 minutes to get to class.
If your your child is arriving late, you need to sign them into the office. 

PM Pick Up

The only cars who may enter here are families who need a handicapped parking space or have an appointment with a teacher after school.

Teachers will move down the line of waiting cars in order to enter family numbers into the Silent Dismissal system. Please make sure your family number is clearly displayed on your dashboard or mirror for the teachers to read. Your child’s name will then be displayed on the board in the classrooms and they will come out to get into your vehicle.  Parents then pass waiting cars in the passing lane to exit the school while other cars move forward to allow more cars into the loading zone.

As with the morning drop off please:

  • Patiently wait for your turn,
  • Load your child from the curb side door only

Students will see their name displayed in their classroom and come to the front to meet you.

You will also need to make sure your Silent Dismissal preferences reflect a “Pick Up Only” setting which means that you will be picking up your child.

24-25 Academic Calendar Changes

There have been a few changes to the 24-25 Academic Calendar.
Please be sure to download the most recent version below.
Added No School Days:
October 21, 2024
Jan 31, 2025
March 28, 2025